Special Recreation Activity Held at Cummins
Cummins Unit Coach Shelvey Bailey hosted a Bingo Day on March 17, 2020 for inmates who are unable to regularly participate in recreational activities outside or in the gym. He even used the fun event as a creative way of encouraging exercise. Before the games commenced, all participants were required to exercise by walking or taking their wheelchairs around the visitation center twice!

Graduation Ceremony for Mentorship Program Held
A graduation for the “Leave No Man Behind Mentorship Program” was held at the Cummins Unit in early February. The program, which began in November 2017 with the purpose of combating inmate drug usage, is voluntary and lasts 16 weeks. Inmates meet on Friday nights in large and small groups and cover topics related to a positive mental attitude, recovery dynamics, character building and toxic drug use. A lot of time is spent discussing different types of thinking and how to turn a negative mindset into a positive one. The ultimate goal is for the program to make a lasting impact in the lives of participants that leads to positive change. Warden Aundrea Culclager and Deputy Warden Steven Ricketts both addressed the graduates during the well-attended ceremony.
Warden Aundrea Culclager and Deputy Warden Steven Ricketts congratulated the inmates receiving certificates for successfully completing the program.

Construction of the NEW Arkansas Correctional School Building in Pictures
The process of constructing the NEW Arkansas Correctional School building at the Cummins Unit took a number of months before opening to grateful students and staff in Fall 2019. Here are some photo highlights of the construction process from start to finish!

Holiday Season Celebrated at Cummins
The staff at the Cummins Unit, as well as the unit’s Arkansas Correctional School staff, had some fun celebrating the holidays by holding a door decorating contest during December. While first, second, and third-place winners were selected for each area…all who entered did a great job showcasing their creativity! Check out the designs here:
Cummins Unit Arkansas Correctional School Winners:
Cummins Unit Staff Winners:
FIRST PLACE: Mail Room – Jurmika Puckett and Tina Gibson
[LEFT] SECOND PLACE: Fusion Center – Corporal Valencia Farris
[RIGHT] THIRD PLACE: Mental Health – Kathy White
Cummins Unit Honorable Mentions:
[LEFT] Dental – Monica Hogue
[RIGHT] Farm Office – Samantha Shipman
[LEFT] Field Secretary – Shandra Clark
[RIGHT] Records – Patricia Baxter
Property Room – Frances Ray
Corporal Regine Parker was selected as the 2019 “Santa Central” recipient for the Cummins Unit!

Cummins Modular Unit Reopened
The modular housing unit at Cummins reopened on Sunday, December 1, 2019, with a beginning count of about 120 inmates.