Arkansas Paws in Prison Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donations are critical to the success and future of the program. Thank you for believing in second chances!
Donations can be made online with a credit card, direct deposit, or PayPal below via GiveLively or directly through PayPal.
For check donations, please mail to:
Arkansas Paws in Prison Foundation
1302 Pike Avenue
North Little Rock, AR 72114.
Our organization also accepts other types of donations, such as gifts of stock, donor advised fund designations, property, real estate, bequests, and cryptocurrency via Pledge.
For more information about our giving options, please contact us at or 870-643-9578.
Arkansas Paws in Prison’s tax I.D. number is 46-2878307.
Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon can easily make a Donor Advised Fund designation through the DAF Direct window below. Arkansas Paws in Prison’s tax I.D. number is 46-2878307.
If you prefer to give directly through PayPal instead of GiveLively, please click the yellow donate button below.