Providing Safety and

Hope for Arkansans

Providing Safety and Hope for Arkansans

Committed to public safety and providing professional management solutions and evidence-based rehabilitative initiatives for offenders

Land Donation Request Notice

Arkansas Division of Correction Land Request Notice

SUMMARY: The Arkansas Board of Corrections and the Arkansas Department of Corrections request interested communities to submit an Expression of Interest to donate land for the construction of a new maximum-security facility to house approximately 1,000 inmates within the Division of Correction. Proposals will be evaluated by the Department of Corrections and submitted to the Board of Corrections for selection.

SPECIFICATIONS: The desired property is a square and generally flat land consisting of approximately 400 acres that is bordered on at least one side by a paved public roadway in an area that is not prone to flooding nor at a significant risk for earthquakes. In addition, the site should be in close proximity to major medical resources such as a hospital with an emergency department, adequate utilities for gas, electricity, water, and sewage, and located in a relatively populated area for staff recruitment considerations.  Lastly, the selected location cannot be within sixty miles of an existing correctional facility operated by either the Division of Correction or the Division of Community Correction.

BENEFIT TO COMMUNITY: The new facility will significantly benefit the local economy. It is projected to employ 370 individuals with an annual payroll of approximately $21,000,000. The facility will have an estimated operational budget of approximately $2,000,000.

SUBMISSIONS OF PROPOSALS: Communities interested in submitting a proposed site are directed to contact the Department of Corrections at [email protected] to request a site evaluation questionnaire. Completed questionnaires must be received by the Department of Corrections no later than February 9, 2023.

Seven (7) copies of completed questionnaires and supporting materials must be mailed to the following address:

Arkansas Department of Corrections
1302 Pike Avenue, Suite C
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Attn: Office of the Secretary

Arkansas Division of Community Correction Land Request Notice

SUMMARY: The Arkansas Board of Corrections and the Arkansas Department of Corrections request interested communities to submit an Expression of Interest to donate land for the construction of a new community correction center to house approximately 200 to 300 offenders within the Division of Community Correction. Proposals will be evaluated by the Department of Corrections and submitted to the Board of Corrections for selection.

SPECIFICATIONS: The desired property is square and generally flat land between approximately 5 to 40 acres that is: bordered on at least one side by a paved public roadway, in an area that is not prone to flooding, and land that is not at a significant risk for earthquakes. In addition, the site should be in close proximity to major medical resources such as a hospital with an emergency department, adequate utilities for gas, electricity, water, and sewage, and located in a relatively populated area for staff recruitment considerations.

SUBMISSIONS OF PROPOSALS: Communities interested in submitting a proposed site are directed to contact the Department of Corrections at [email protected] to request a site evaluation questionnaire. Completed questionnaires must be received by the Department of Corrections no later than February 23, 2023.

Please note that submissions must be made separately for donation of land for the construction of a new maximum-security facility to house approximately 1,000 inmates within the Division of Correction.

Seven (7) copies of completed questionnaires and supporting materials must be mailed to the following address:

Arkansas Department of Corrections
1302 Pike Avenue, Suite C
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Attn: Office of the Secretary

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