Residential Services FAQs >
1. What is the Omega Supervision Sanction Center?
The Omega Supervision Sanction Center provides an alternative 90-day minimum treatment program for male offenders who commit technical parole/post-release supervision violations, decreasing the number of offenders on parole/post-release supervision who are sent to ADC and held in county jails for technical violations.
2. How is Omega different from prison or a jail?
Omega residents are held only for 90-180 days as a sanction for parole/post-release supervision technical violators – not as a sentence from a criminal court.
The resident is assigned a counselor who works with him to identify his particular problems that hinder his successful completion of parole/post-release supervision. Residents attend classes on various programs such as Anger Management, Relationships, Substance Abuse, Relapse Prevention, Job Readiness, and a Reentry to name a few.
3. What happens to someone sent to Omega?
Residents are admitted through an intake process. Residents then go through orientation and are assigned a counselor. Residents begin attending classes and working on ways to improve their identified barriers to successfully completing parole/post-release supervision A Resident without a GED will attend GED classes as well as their treatment curriculum classes. Residents attend class half a day, and work half a day.
4. May I visit someone in a ACC Center?
Residents are permitted visitors the last two weekends of their stay.
5. What are the rules on visitation?
Each resident is responsible for sending visitation applications to each person he wishes to visit. The completed applications are sent back to Omega for approval. No outside food, alcohol, firearms, narcotics or materials of any kind that may compromise safety/security of center are allowed on the property. Persons under 18 must have permission of parent/legal guardian to visit. Children six and under must have parent/guardian with them. Visitors must produce a driver’s license and/or birth certificate upon arrival. No more than five visitors are allowed in the visitation room and that includes minor children. Visitors are allowed to briefly embrace the resident upon arrival and again at the conclusion of the visit. Visitors may bring no more than $10 for the vending machine. No provocative clothing is allowed and shoulders must be covered at all times.
6. May I take a resident food?
7. What about money for the resident?
We accept Postal Money Orders and Online Resident Deposits via the ACC website. Once received, the amount is credited to the resident’s account for him to spend in the commissary. The Resident Deposit Trust Fund and Phone Account link may also be used to deposit funds into the resident’s Pre-Pay Phone Service Account.
8. How much may I add each week to a resident’s commissary account?
Resident’s are limited to spending $65 a week on commissary, but you may send as much or as little as you like.
9. May we touch during visitation?
You may share a brief embrace upon arrival, and again at the conclusion of the visit.
10. How long may I visit?
Visitation is held on Saturday and Sunday only from 12:00PM to 4:00PM.
11. May I send a resident mail?
Yes. However the following items are prohibited: magazines, drawing tablets, envelopes, writing pads, newspapers, stickers, metal in cards, cards larger than 5″x7″, phone cards, internet/email printout, lottery or Powerball tickets, to name a few. You may send appropriate photos but residents may only have five at one time. Books must come directly from the publisher.
12. May I send a resident clothing?
No, all necessary clothing is supplied for resident.
13. What about personal care items such as soap or shampoo?
No. Residents may purchase personal hygiene items at the commissary or they may be classified as indigent if they meet the policy requirements. Regardless of the situation, everyone is provided hygiene items.
14. My family is coming from another state and they aren’t on the approved visitation list – may they visit?
No, all visitors must have prior approval for visitation.
15. May I call a resident?
No. Residents may not receive phone calls except from an attorney or authorized by the Center Administrator.
16. I don’t have a landline – only a cell phone. May I still receive calls from a resident?
On July 14, 2015, DOC changed the inmate telephone system providers from Global Tel Link (GTL) to Securus Technologies. For information about Securus Technologies inmate telephone system, please access the link below: .