Arkansas Department of Corrections and Wellpath, our medical provider, continue vigilant mitigation efforts to combat COVID-19. As part of that effort, the DOC encourages inmates and residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine and, when appropriate, provides live-saving antibody therapy.
What is COVID-19 Antibody Therapy?
COVID-19 Antibody Therapy, called “Regeneron,” is not the same as the COVID-19 vaccine, but it can help people who test positive.
Who does it benefit?
It benefits those who are at a high risk for developing severe symptoms that can lead to being admitted to the hospital or even death. Patients get the biggest benefit when given COVID-19 Antibody Therapy within the first 10 days of mild symptoms, exposure, or a positive test result.
Is it safe?
COVID-19 Antibody Therapy is SAFE! It has been given emergency use approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). COVID-19 Antibody Therapy does not replace getting the vaccine but is a really good treatment option if you become ill with the virus.
Antibody Therapy vs Vaccine
COVID-19 Antibody Therapy does not replace getting the vaccine but is a really good treatment option if you become ill with the virus.