While the Board will normally conduct hearings in person, there may be circumstances where the use of video conferencing is appropriate and/or necessary to facilitate an effective and efficient hearing. Please take note of the following when participating in a video hearing:
Use of video conferencing at a hearing
The Chairman, in consultation with staff and the Department of Correction, will decide if video conferencing will be used at a given hearing and who will participate by way of video conferencing.
Video conferencing may be an appropriate option in certain circumstances, including but not limited to; to meet urgent deadlines, when severe weather conditions prevent the safe travel of Board members, or when it would be the most effective and efficient use of manpower and budgetary resources.
Information for Inmates
In advance of the hearing, the offender will be notified about how the hearing will proceed using the technology.
If it is apparent that participating in a hearing conducted with the use of video will create an undo hardship due to a documented disability, the Chairman will make arrangements for certain accommodations and/or ensure that an offender is seen in person.
Conducting the Hearing by Video Conferencing
The Board member(s) participating by video conferencing will:
- have available, all information that would be available to any Board member present at the hearing
- be able to see and hear the inmate and vice versa
- be active participants and be able to stop the proceedings at any point if experiencing any technical difficulty
Hearings by telephone
A hearing may be conducted by telephone when the video conferencing system is not available due to technical difficulties.
For hearings by telephone, the measures described above under Information for Offenders and Conducting the Hearing by Video Conferencing apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require.