Major Robertson Recognized for 40 Years of Service
CONGRATULATIONS to Major Vern Robertson of the Cummins Unit for 40 years of dedicated service to the state of Arkansas and ADC! Major Robertson was presented with a plaque on February 5, 2020 by Director Dexter Payne and members of the Management Team. We sincerely THANK YOU for choosing to pursue a career in corrections…and for the hard work and dedication you’ve demonstrated over the past four decades, Major Robertson!

Four Employees Recognized for 30 Years of Service
Four agency employees were recognized for 30 years of service to the state of Arkansas by being presented with plaques on December 17, 2019 by Corrections Division Director Dexter Payne and members of the Management Team. They are:
• Kelly Beatty, Unit Accreditation Manager – Varner Unit
• Deborah Socia, Administrative Analyst – Central Office
• Captain Donald Turntine – Wrightsville Unit
• Sergeant J.W. West – Central Transportation
We CONGRATULATE and THANK each of you for your dedication to your careers in public service!

Kelly Beatty

Deborah Socia

Capt. Donald Turntine

Sgt. J.W. West
Service Awards Presented to Long-Term Employees
CONGRATULATIONS to two employees recognized for their years of service working for the state of Arkansas:
• Robert “Bob” Parker – 40 Years
• Corporal James Thomas – 30 Years
They were each presented with a plaque on November 22, 2019, by Division of Correction Director Dexter Payne and members of the Management Team.
We thank you both for dedicating so many years of your lives to careers in public service!
Robert “Bob” Parker, Mental Health Services Administrator
Corporal James Thomas, Ester Unit
Ball and Musgrove Recognized for Years of Service
Congratulations to two of our employees who have served 30 years with the state of Arkansas:
• Deputy Warden Todd Ball of Ouchita River Correctional Unit
• Sergeant Alicia Musgrove of Central Transportation
As a gesture of appreciation, they were each presented with a plaque on November 14, 2019 by Corrections Division Director Dexter Payne and members of the Management Team. Thank you for your dedication to your careers, Deputy Warden Ball and Sgt. Musgrove!
Deputy Warden Todd Ball
Sgt. Alicia Musgrove
Five Employees Recognized for 30 Years of Service
Five agency employees were recognized for 30 years of service to the state of Arkansas with the presentation of plaques on November 1, 2019 by Corrections Division Director Dexter Payne and members of the Management Team. They are:
• Lenion Amerine, ADC/ACC Advisor – Ouachita River Correctional Unit
• Derwin Clark, SATP Program Leader – Tucker Unit
• Jeffery Deen, Major – East Arkansas Regional Unit
• Johnella Marshall, Correctional Sergeant – Tucker Unit
• Dexter McDonnell, Senior Chaplain – Varner Super Max
CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU for the time you’ve invested in serving the Division of Correction and our state!

Lenion Amerine

Derwin Clark

Jeffery Deen

Johnella Marshall

Dexter McDonnell
Captain Johnson Recognized for 30 Years of State Service
Captain Mitchell Johnson of the Hawkins Unit was recognized for 30 years of dedicated service to the state of Arkansas with a plaque on August 21, 2019 by Corrections Division Director Dexter Payne and members of the Management Team. Thank you for your commitment to a demanding career and for demonstrating leadership qualities to those around you!

Two from Transportation Division Honored for 30 Years of State Service

Director Dexter Payne and members of the ADC Management Team presented two employees from the Transportation Division with plaques for their 30 years of service to the state of Arkansas on September 5, 2019. Something that made this occasion extra-unique is that Sergeants Jesse Beatty and Robert Spencer not only work together currently, but they both began their careers with the ADC on the exact same day back in 1989! We extend a sincere THANK YOU to Sgt. Beatty and Sgt. Spencer for their commitment to the ADC for the past 30 years…and for being exemplary employees!

Chris Coody Recognized for 30 Years of Service to the State of Arkansas
Internal Affairs Investigator Chris Coody of the Compliance Office was recognized for 30 years of dedicated service to the state of Arkansas on August 9, 2019 by being presented a plaque by Director Dexter Payne and members of the Division of Correction Management Team. Thank you for the time you’ve invested into the agency and to the state of Arkansas!

Keith Waddle Recognized for 30 Years of Service
Disciplinary Hearing Officer Keith Waddle of the Randall Williams Unit was recognized for 30 years of dedicated service to the state of Arkansas with a plaque on August 9, 2019 by Director Dexter Payne and members of the Division of Correction Management Team. Thank you for your service and for the many years you have dedicated to our agency and to the state!

Employee of the Month Recipients Recognized for May-July at Ouachita River Unit
Congratulations to the following recipients for being named “Employee of the Month” at the Ouachita River Correctional Unit! Keep Up the Good Work!

Lillie Buckner, Fiscal Support Specialist
Pictured with Deputy Warden Outlaw (left) and Deputy Warden Jackson

Sheryl Orr, Administrative Analyst
Pictured with Deputy Warden Jackson (left) and Rehab Program Manager Donna Dycus

Corporal Caleb Wood
Pictured with Deputy Warden Jackson (left) and Deputy Warden Outlaw